Learn about all our certifications
Our Certificates
Certification of registration protection of our brand and patents of all our doll models.
The only Spanish notified body for directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys, certifies that our products comply with CE regulations.
International certificate on compliance with European regulations regarding the materials and composition of our products.
The CE marking certifies that, as manufacturers, we comply with safety, health and environmental protection regulations.
Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers
It is the entity that brings together the toy sector in Spain.
Its mission is to represent game and toy manufacturing companies, distributors and subsidiaries to defend their particular interests.
Primer finalista en el Premio al Mejor Juguete 2023
Hemos sido primeros finalistas en los premios a Mejor Juguete 2023 en no solo una, ¡sino dos categorías!, tanto como marca Drimydolls como con la Muñeca Iris.
Premio Finalista al mejor Juguete 2024
Por segundo año consecutivo hemos recibido el Premio Finalistas al Mejor Juguete 2024.
We are a Spanish manufacturer and all our products are created sustainably.